China, Sanmenxia01. 1月 2021

Powerful cold rolling mill for aluminum strips

The Chinese aluminum producer BaoWu Aluminium Technology Ltd. is operating a single stand cold rolling mill from SMS group. The annual production capacity is about 120,000 tons.

SMS group supplied a state-of-the-art cold rolling mill for aluminum strips to the Chinese aluminum supplier BaoWu Aluminium Technology Ltd., which belongs to the BaoWu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., the largest steel producer in China. The cold rolling mill was successfully put into operation by rolling the first coil at the company's location in Sanmenxia in the Chinese province of Henan.

The six-high cold rolling mill can process aluminum strips with a maximum width of 2,350 millimeters. The smallest final thickness of the finished strips is 0.15 millimeters. The plant was designed for an annual capacity of about 120,000 tons.

BaoWu Aluminium Technology Ltd. can roll a wide range of aluminum grades and alloys on the plant. Strip quality, plant productivity and the environmental compatibility of plant operation are ensured by the globally leading technologies installed by SMS group.

The quality-determining rolling technologies include CVC® plus in combination with positive and negative work and intermediate roll bending as well as inductive roll barrel heating. They enable a consistently high strip quality across the entire strip width for maximum yield. SMS supplied the complete mechanical, hydraulic and fluid power equipment including a Multi Plate® filter of size MPF3-16, which supports the sustainable use of the rolling oil.


Single stand cold rolling mill
The tension reel is equipped with a double ironing roll in order to provide perfect winding results.