Egypt, Dekhela05. sty 2015

Modernization to expand high-value steel production capabilities

EZDK aimed to expand its product range and improve production by modernizing its CSP® plant. SMS Group conducted an on-site assessment, upgraded control systems, and optimized automation using 3D simulations. Staff training on the virtual plant ensured seamless operation post-upgrade, enabling EZDK to produce high-value steel products efficiently.

The sales phase for this project began in as early as 2012 and was initially limited to automation. Meticulous stakeholder analysis and an extensive site survey that we performed as part of the contract revealed several additional solutions required to deliver what the client was looking for. As a result, the project became one of the largest orders for SMS group in 2015.  

At the time of the upgrade, EZDK had been producing one million tons of flat steel per year - ranging from low- to medium-carbon and HSLA grades to limited quantities of API and dual-phase steel. They were looking to get into more added-value products such as thicker API-X70 material, silicon steel, and dual- and multi-phase steel. Moreover, they also wanted to produce thinner 1.0-millimeter gauges to extend the portfolio beyond their then standard 1.2-millimeter thickness. They called upon SMS group’s reliable expertise to tackle the project.

In a first phase the SMS group experts conducted an on-site assessment. The aim was to identify key improvement potentials and establish a holistic plan for the modernization of EZDKs new CSP® plant. Our team went to work and executed the modernization project according to the master plan that brought everything up to date and replaced all control panels, the local operating units, and the HMI system in the CSP® system. They pre-tested and optimized the X-Pact® electrics and automation of the CSP® system with our tried-and-true X-Pact® Plug & Work concept before it was put into operation.

At our test center in Hilchenbach, we tested and optimized the automation system before installing it at the EZDK site, using realistic 3D simulation technology that captures all mechanical systems, the drive technology, and the entirety of the plant’s processes. Using the 3D design data of the plant, our simulation reproduced the dynamic, kinematic, and technical procedures in highly resolved detail. Meanwhile, our experts trained the EZDK operating and maintenance staff on the virtual plant – an invaluable operational advantage for our client, whose teams became intimately familiar with the new systems and could hit the ground running after the shutdown.

“Before the upgrade, we produced one million tons of flat steel per year. We used to produce several steel grades from low- to medium-carbon and HSLA grades and limited quantities of API and dual-phase steel. But our point of excellence is the production of thin gauges which requires highly skilled operators and perfect mill conditions. After the modernization we are looking for more added-value products such as API-X70 thicker material 12.7 millimeters in thickness, silicon steel, dual and multi-phase steel. Moreover, we are planning to produce gauges with 1.0 millimeter thickness as part of commercial production. Currently, the minimum gage is 1.2 millimeters. Factors, such as cost, efficiency and quality were certainly important elements, but also expertise and service from a reliable partner were key.”


Main data

  • SMS group provided a full solution from a single source (mechanical and electrical equipment including respective new main &auxiliary drives, partly new measuring gauges, automation and digitalization systems)
  • We were able to implement the upgrade within a shutdown period of merely 20 days
  • Since then, EZDK’s production has been achieving record results. Going beyond the initial requirement to produce 1.0 mm strips, EZDK can now produce down to 0.8 mm with flying gauge control (FGC).
  • The impressive productivity and performance improvements include: Casting speeds went from 6 to 6.5 meters/min, heats per sequence from 7.7 to 10.8, breakout percentage from 0.45 to 0.1, plant availability up by 15%, plant productivity up by more than 10 t/h, material yield and quality yield up by 3-4%.
  • The modernization allowed EZDK to raise the share of ultra-thin hot strip, enhance the product range and improve product quality
  • After five years of using the modernized system, EZDK wanted to ensure that they thoroughly exhausted its potential and engaged SMS group for a full-service contract for its entire CSP® plant.
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