As a life cycle partner, we share our know-how with our customers. This is based on two pillars. Our consulting analyzes the entire production process to identify, and evaluate potential for improvement. As a result, prioritized measures with a quantifiable and fast return on investment are available.
The SMS TECademy aims to strengthen the competence of your employees. Our wide portfolio of trainings on technology and maintenance helps to safeguard, consolidate and expands the skills of your staff.
Services for consulting and training
X-Pact Plug & Work integration test
SMS group installs, tests, and optimizes the new automation system of the customer's specific plant fully in one of our test fields located around the world. We train the customer's operating personnel under very realistic conditions with real-time process and production simulation in 3D that fully depicts the interaction of the plant components.
Viridis Energy and Sustainability Assessment
The Viridis services provide a site-wide assessment to identify and quantify potential energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction initiatives which support steelmakers' investments and execution.
X-Pact Defense in Depth
With Defense in Depth, we protect IT/OT infrastructures in the metals industry from cyber attacks and so help to secure high availability levels for the plants and equipment concerned.
Consulting for quality excellence
SMS group provides the full range of consultancy services you need to be a successful and reliable partner.
Integrated assessment and consulting services
A holistic evaluation of your assets and the identification of improvement potentials is the best start for an integrated assessment.
Digitalization consulting
We support our customers along their entire path of their individual digital transformation