The first step for high-quality steel, aluminum, and copper
Metallurgy is the first step in the production of high-quality metals – and perhaps the most important. This is where the basis for the final quality of the products is laid. But also because this is the phase where the greatest potential lies in turning metals green. That’s why SMS group focuses on the plants for both virgin material processing and for recycling.
Metallurgical plants
The Paul Wurth EASyMelt is a resource-flexible, crisis-resiliant and cost-efficient alternative to direct reduction shaft furnaces. It can be integrated into existing integrated steel plants, demonstrating a significant pathway for the decarbonization of existing blast furnaces worldwide.
Blast furnace
Paul Wurth history is marked by more than 100 years of expertise in the design and manufacture of ironmaking equipment. We have been integrated blast furnace plant builders for almost 70 years.
Cokemaking technology
In coke making, Paul Wurth offers tailor-made and state-of-the-art solutions for your turnkey construction projects, modernizations as well as hot and cold repairs.
Converter steelmaking for stainless steel
Converter steelworks from SMS group help you set new standards of performance. We offer you converter for carbon steel or stainless steel, depending on the steel grade or process route in your steelworks.
Converters for non-ferrous metals
The portfolio of converter processes is widely spread and mainly depends on the specific requirements of the metallurgical process. The most commercially important form is the treatment of molten metal sulfides to produce crude metal and slag, as in the case of copper and nickel converting. We offer units such as Top Blown Rotary Converter (TBRC), Kaldo Converter, Peirce-Smith Converter as well as tailor made solutions such as Vacuum Converters.
Electric smelters and submerged arc furnaces
Electric smelters and Submerged Arc Furnaces (SAFs) are common furnaces for the production of ferro-alloys and other metals, where larger amounts of slags are processed and treated. SMS group relies on an impressive reference base of over 1,000 electric furnaces supplied to customers in the iron, steel, ferro-alloy, chemical, TiO2, and non-ferrous metals industries.
Electric steelmaking
Our electric arc furnaces offer you the most cost-effective solutions. They use electricity efficiently, with advanced burner and oxygen-injector technology.
Holding furnaces for non-ferrous metals
Holding furnaces are used for a combination of continuous and batch type pyro-metallurgical processes in non-ferrous metals production lines, basically acting as a buffer for liquid metal.
Melting and refining furnaces
Various types of pyrometallurgical furnaces are being applied in the primary (ore based) and secondary (scrap based) non-ferrous metals production. The portfolio includes shaft furnaces, drum-type furnaces, tilting refining furnaces, ladle furnaces or vacuum furnace
Midrex Direct reduction plants
Paul Wurth offers Midrex® gas-based direct reduction iron-making plants as part of primary production. DRI and hot briquetted iron are used in steelmaking.
Powder atomization plants
SMS group supplies plant technology for the production of high-quality, high-purity metal powder for additive manufacturing.
Primary smelting units
There are several conventional and unique processes for the primary smelting of non-ferrous metals such as bath smelters (TSL type), flash furnaces, electric furnaces, tilting furnaces, rotary furnaces as well as shaft furnaces available.
Recycling solutions for non-ferrous metals
SMS group developed solutions for the recycling of WEEE scrap, batteries, catalysts as well as all other non-ferrous and copper scraps.
Secondary metallurgy
SMS group offers various plant concepts for the secondary metallurgical refining of liquid steel to meet your high demands for final product quality.
Slag treatment solutions for non-ferrous metals
SMS group developed several possibilities to convert the slag into products. The slag treatment solutions are a central part of circular economy approach as part of our BlueTechnology philosophy.
Special furnaces for non-ferrous metals
New pyro-metallurgical process lines are created based on the vast experience and expertise of SMS group from the non-ferrous and iron and steelmaking industries.