Process automation for CSP® plants, hot strip and heavy plate mills

Processes that enhance plant performance, and optimize operating and maintenance costs drive cutting-edge technology in our automation for hot rolling mills. This enables our customers to adapt themselves to changing market requirements and to increase their competitiveness by more flexible and sustainable production, superior product quality and minimized operational costs.

SMS group has extensive domain know-how and understanding of all important process steps in hot rolling. Thanks to our widely proven X-Pact® automation solutions and modern software development technologies we implement latest production standards. By doing so and also by supplying our plants digital ready our customers benefit from digital applications that ensure future viability of their plants.

Virtual Customer Training

Key features

  • Power supply and drive systems for greater sustainability
  • Innovative measuring systems
  • Modular basic and process automation packages with sophisticated process models
  • Innovative X-Pact® Vision HMI-concept for smart operation and visualization
  • Diagnostics for startup, devices, sequences, safety, and plant
  • Quality monitoring and predictive system for condition analysis
  • Digital pre-commissioning of automation systems during the X-Pact® Plug & Work integration test
  • Advanced operator training at an early stage before commissioning
  • Fast start-up and commissioning of the hot rolling mills
  • Perfect infrastructure for remote support with X-Pact® Service

OT products and solutions

X-Pact® Pass Schedule Calculation (PSC®)

Physical based process model for perfect set-up generation

X-Pact® PCFC®/PFC®

Optimum set-points for the actuators of CVC® plus system and the bending system

X-Pact® Cooling Section Control

In-bar temperature control over the entire strip length

X-Pact® Mill Stand Control

Technological control system to ensure highest product quality

X-Pact® Camber Free Rolling

Control system for camber and wedge-free rolling in the roughing mill area

X-Pact® Tail-Out Monitoring

Maximum productivity at minimum energy and acid consumption

X-Pact® Integrated Temperature Model

Optimized temperature settings to achieve best material properties

Linear position measurement with X-Pact® Sense

Robust linear position transducer for HGC

X-Pact® Strip Steering Control

Straight and safe strip guidance through the finishing mill, especially for head and tail

Strip center measurement with X-Pact® Sense hotCAM

Best strip position between the roll stands

X-Pact® Microstructure Property Model

Calculation of final strip properties and material microstructure

X-Pact® Width Control

Constant strip width over the entire length as close as possible to the target

X-Pact® Steckel Looper

Best mass flow concept between rolls and furnace drum

X-Pact® Coiler Control

Best product quality and high process stability during strip winding on up- and down coilers

X-Pact® Plant Pacing

Optimum throughput and productivity of the entire production plant

X-Pact® Thermo-Mechanical Rolling

Increased rate with sophisticated staggering of plates

X-Pact® Plate Leveler Control

Optimized model setpoint calculation for increased flatness performance

X-Pact® Automatic Shape Control

Best results for plate rectangularity

X-Pact® Plate Cooling Control

In-bar temperature cooling strategies

X-Pact® Plate Cutting Optimization

Best cuts for production of the finished plate

X-Shape Flatness Measurement and Control

Reliable and precise flatness measurement and control

X-Pact® electrics & automation for a CSP® plant at Big River Steel, USA
Virtual customer training during X-Pact® Plug & Work integration test in SMS group test center in Hilchenbach, Germany
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