Vacuum tank decarburization
Secondary metallurgy under vacuum conditions
The VOD process (Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization) from SMS group has been successfully used in the production and refining of stainless and acid- and heat-resistant steel since the end of the 1950s. To date, more than 100 plants with heat sizes of up to 200 tons have been built using this process. It is used to achieve particularly low carbon contents in an economical way, as the oxidation of chromium is significantly reduced by blowing oxygen for decarburization under reduced pressure. The consumption of reducing agents is also considerably lower.
A VOD plant can be used in a duplex line (EAF – deslagging – (LF) – VOD) immediately after the melting unit or coupled with an AOD converter in a triplex line (EAF – AOD – (deslagging) – VOD). Especially for the production of stainless steels with the lowest carbon contents, such as superferritic steel grades, the VOD process is without alternative.
Our VOD plants are designed to meet the specific requirements of the production program, the timing in the steel mill, and the individual process of our customers. Each VOD plant can also be used as a VD or VD-OB plant.