Execution of demanding tasks with high precision

In environments that pose considerable risk to humans, a robot can execute certain demanding tasks with high precision. For example, sampling the melt, determining the temperature and the hydrogen content can all now be done safely and efficiently. The robotics applications are completely integrated into the main automation and so remoted controlled from operator HMI. Further advantages of robotics include improved productivity, fewer human errors, and lower operating costs, such as in our robotics applications for roll change or tagging and labelling.

All tasks happen fully automatically – and in record time.


  • X-Pact® Sampler

    Robotics applications for temperature and sampling

    The X-Pact® Sampler is a robotic application designed to substitute the dangerous manual operation of measuring the temperature and collecting samples from a molten steel bath like in BOF, EAF, LF and VD. The X-Pact® Sampler is able to perform from simple functionality to fully automatic cycles that includes cartridges pick-up from magazine, sample cutting and delivery, scraping of used cartridges, lance deformation compensation and lance substitution management.

    Key features

    • Automatic sampling and temperature measuring
    • Enhanced safety (no operator close to the furnace)
    • Increased repeatability
    • Reduced power off (possibility to perform sampling/measurement with electrodes down)
    • Automatic cartridge mounting and delivery
    • Automatic lance changing and lance deformation compensation
    • Automatic sample cut and delivery
    • Design always compliant with customer available or preferred instruments and cartridges
    • Installation for both green and brown fields
  • X-Pact® Tag

    Robotics applications for tagging and labelling of raw and finished products

    The X-Pact® Tag is a robotics application designed to substitute and/or enhance the dangerous manual operation of tagging/labelling on raw (hot/cold billet) or finished product (bundles, coils). The X-Pact® Tag is able to manage different types of labels using welding pin as well thermally activated glue labels. It recognizes the best suitable position to attach the labels using advanced vision technologies (Lidar, 3D cameras).

    X-Pact® Tag in operation

    Key features

    • Automatic tagging
    • Enhanced Safety (No operator close to the hot billet)
    • Increased repeatability and improved product traceability
    • Possible installation in risky areas
    • Operative cost effective
    • Label quality check available
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