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Tube & wire 2024: Exhibits, Campus tour, leading partner talks

Tube & wire trade fair is just around the corner! Do not miss to visit the SMS group booth in hall 7a and all the highlights we have prepared.

From April 15 to 19, 2024, all the experts from the tube, pipe and wire rod industries will meet once again at Messe Düsseldorf. This time, we will turn the spotlight on the idea of lifecycle partnership in the metals industry and showcase our ideas for a sustainable future. A highlight at the SMS group booth will be the largest ERW-welded tube of its kind with a diameter of 700 millimeters. It comes from the welded tube plant at Zekelman installed by us in the USA.

SMS group’s exhibit at Wire & Tube 2024, Square and rectangular hollow sections produced on the 28-inch ERW tube welding line at Zekelman Industries, Blytheville, USA

Get your ticket!

Did you already order your tickets for the trade fair? Please register on our microsite and we will be happy to send you a voucher code for a free entry ticket.

SMS Campus tours

During Tube & wire, we take the opportunity to present our new SMS Campus in Mönchengladbach to you. After a short tour in the Campus building you have the opportunity to visit one of the following spots:

  • Workshop with test run of a new pipe coupling threading machine (RMG): SMS group is a full-liner for the equipment for the OCTG production. In this context, we would like to show you a short test run of our pipe coupling threading machine (RMG) in our workshop. You will also learn more about our new autonomous measuring system for premium threads to increase production efficiency (ThreadView).
  • Electrics/Automation Test Center: On this tour, you will gain an insight into the X-Pact® Plug & Work integration test at our site in Mönchengladbach, where we utilize the concept of a digital twin of the plant to simulate automation processes. Developed by SMS group, this concept of integration testing allows digital commissioning of automation under realistic conditions.
  • Coating Competence Center: Join this tour to discover our Coating Competence Center at Mönchengladbach, as one part of SMS group’s worldwide coating service. Here, we develop coating solutions for our customers around the world that are precisely tailored to their needs.

The tours take place from Tuesday to Thursday, starting at our booth at 11 am and 2 pm. You will be back at the trade fair around 2pm and 5 pm.

Register for SMS Campus tour

Leading Partner Talks

Also during this Tube & wire trade fair, customers and experts from SMS group enter the stage to discuss innovation, projects, and the future of our industry. Find here the complete program.

Tuesday, April 16

10:30 SMS as a full liner for OCTG – RMG in focus
Matthias Götze (Paul Horn), Benjamin Henkel (SMS group)
11:30 From vision to reality: Technology-based pathways to decarbonize the global iron and steelmaking industry
Thomas Hansmann (SMS group)
12:30 New walking beam furnace at DanSteel
Allan Thomasen (DanSteel), Andrea Turolo (SMS group)
14:00 A revolution in thread measurement
Eric Otten (Gagemaker), Jochen Schmitz (SMS group)
15:00 Hybar: Creating a start-up in steel
Ari Levy (Hybar), Michael Waitz (kfW), Jens Haupt (SMS group)
16:00 Redefining cold pilgering for oil and gas industry with the KPW 290 L
Carlo Grbavac (SMS group), Matteo Braggiotti (SMS group)

Wednesday, April 17

10:30 Daye Special Steel: First Integrated Operating Center (IOC) with AI features, a step into the field of autonomous operation
Christoph Stappenbeck (SMS group)
11:30 Green technology for long products 
Thomas Maßmann (SMS group), Thiago Maia (SMS group), Andrea Turolo (SMS group)
12:30 El Marakby and SMS group: a lifecycle partnership 
Hassan El Marakby (El Marakby), Enea Pasquali (SMS group)
14:00 Tubacex and SMS group: Seamless tube manufacturing with cutting-edge cold pilger mill technology 
Martinez Conde Javier (Tubacex), Thomas Maßmann (SMS group)
15:00 The world’s largest continuous ERW tube welding machine for Zekelman Industries
Christian Hafkerkamp (SMS group), Gian-Luca Franchina (SMS group)

Thursday, April 18

11:30 Rapid start-up of the JCO® forming press as a key success factor
Christian Haferkamp (SMS group), Christoph Stappenbeck (SMS group)
12:30 Innovative 5G solutions for LSW’s rebar mill
Karsten Golinske (Lech-Stahlwerke), Wolfgang Scheffel (SMS group)
14:00 Unlock the performance of your plant: Integrated assessment and consulting
Lukas Borrmann (SMS group)

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