The backbone of modern society

No modern society can do without wire, rails, beams, tubes, or pipes. That’s why we are continuously developing our plant and equipment for long products to ensure that the backbone of society remains strong.

Plants for long products

Long products

Bar and wire rod mills

Bar and wire rod mills for the total range of steel grades. Maximum flexibility, tight tolerances and plant availability – Winning combinations with low CAPEX and OPEX costs at the same time.

Long products

Cold pilger mill

Cold pilger technology for cold rolling and pilgering of various tube materials for minimal medium outside diameters and average wall thicknesses.

Long products

ERW welded tube plant

ERW Welded Tube Plants for electric resistant welded (ERW) tubes up to 28 inches – for the automotive sector, oil and gas industries, or for architecture.

Long products

Finishing lines for tubes and pipes

SMS group offers complete finishing lines as well as individual machines for seamless and welded tubes or pipes.

Long products

Large-diameter pipe plants

For the production of longitudinally pipes with diameters from 16 to 64 inches and high wall-thickness for pipe line construction, LSAW plants are the best solution.

Long products

Minimills for long products

SMS Concast melt shops and SMS group rolling mill technologies merged in 1990 as a long product minimill team to supply plants and technologies from 250,000 to over 2,000,000 tons per year capacity. We offer the complete product range of products on wire rod, coiled bars, merchant and SBQ bars, heavy sections, rails, pipes and tubes.

Long products

Seamless tube plants

SMS group offers Seamless tube plants designed as PQF or MPM mill as well as CPE/TPE mills, Push bench, Assel mills, Plug mills and Hot and Cold pilger mills.

Long products

Section and billet mills

Heavy and Medium Section, Rail, Large Bar and Section Mills for beams, rails, standard and special sections, sheet piles, and semi-finished products.

Long products

Spiral pipe plants

For the production of spiral pipes with diameters from 400 to 2540 Millimeters and wall-thickness from 5 to 25 Millimeters.

Long products

Copper rod lines

With the high-performance copper wire rod plants, SMS group is one of the world’s leading companies in this sector. Our copper rod plants impress with their high efficiency and production flexibility.

Long products

Copper tube lines

SMS group is a world leader in engineering plants and machines for all stages of copper tube production – from production of the mother tubes right through to the preliminary, intermediate and finish drawing.

Long products

Bright bar processing lines

SMS group has banked more than 80 years’ experience in making machinery to draw, peel, and grind bright steel, aluminum or copper as round, square, rectangular or hexagonal cross-sections as rings or bars.

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