Our Drive – your performance

Integrated lifecycle services boost plant performance

To be the leading partner for our customers in this transformation, SMS group bundles all competencies from electrics/automation, digitalization, and technical service. Our goal is to maintain and expand the performance of our customers' plants throughout their entire lifecycle. Together with our customers, we develop integrated solutions specifically geared to the customer's use case. In doing so, we focus on crucial KPIs such as plant availability, product quality, productivity, or delivery reliability but also on increasingly relevant topics such as sustainability and safety. 

Lifecycle solutions for a high-performance metals industry

Increased competitiveness and sustainability

  • Harmonized data management through all levels of plant automation and digitalization.
  • Holistic process and production optimization with data-based decision support for operators or closed-loop control
  • Targeted maintenance and repair activities in line with production planning and quality management requirements
  • Stable plant performance over the entire lifecycle of the plant
  • Long-term partnerships and focus on core business through outsourcing of peripheral activities in the area of spare parts management, maintenance / servicing

Unique solutions for a unique industry

Shaping a sustainable and competitive future of the metals industry

Companies in the metals industry find themselves confronted with significant challenges with regard to the future viability of their plants in operation. They are confronted with an increasingly complex market environment and customer demands concerning product quality and delivery performance. Externalities in politics and supply chain logistics affect this. Additionally, the future survival of metal producers will mainly be determined by the extent to which they can produce sustainably and profitably at the same time.

SMS group is already ahead of the game, driving forward solution-focused plant technology. Our integrated lifecycle services stand for connectivity, profitability, sustainability, partnership and innovation. By combining decades of scientific metallurgy expertise and process know-how with the most up-to-date advances in machine learning and AI, we provide technical solutions that enable unprecedented production efficiency and product quality. All while reducing their carbon output and energy consumption.


To ensure profitability in the metals industry companies most focus on improving specific KPIs. We identify bottle-necks and develop improvement potentials. With more than 150 years of know-how in metallurgical plant engineering, we are more than just consultants. We  also provide the solutions needed to accompany the metals industry into a sustainable and profitable future. 


By 2050, CO2 emissions in the metals industry have to go down by 75% in order to meet Paris climate targets. That means companies in the metals industry have a huge job ahead of them if they want to operate financially sustainable businesses in an environmentally sustainable world. Steel plant owners can significantly improve sustainability by optimizing maintenance, product quality, production logistics, energy, and efficiency management processes. This is where the SMS group services comes into play.


To stay competitive in a changing business environment, steel producing companies most utilize the full scope of state-of-the-art technologies whether it´s green energy, smart sensors, big-data analytics, pattern recognition or additive manufacturing. That is why the services of SMS group stand for innovation. Together with our customers we develop innovative solutions that give answers to the challenges of today and tomorrow.


More and more steel producers are increasingly focusing on their core business and oursource peripherical tasks like maintenance or sparepart management. When doing so, it is important to find a partner you can rely on. Expertise is just as important as proximity and commitment. With our dense service network in combination with performance-based business models we accompany our customer in daily operations and thus boost profitability. 


With our domain know-how and enhanced automation and digitalization expertise, we at SMS group ensure a connectivity in all directions. Our systems seamlessly connect with eachother and our digital solutions create actionable items based on real-life production data drawn right from our automation systems. 


To ensure profitability in the metals industry companies most focus on improving specific KPIs. We identify bottle-necks and develop improvement potentials. With more than 150 years of know-how in metallurgical plant engineering, we are more than just consultants. We  also provide the solutions needed to accompany the metals industry into a sustainable and profitable future. 


By 2050, CO2 emissions in the metals industry have to go down by 75% in order to meet Paris climate targets. That means companies in the metals industry have a huge job ahead of them if they want to operate financially sustainable businesses in an environmentally sustainable world. Steel plant owners can significantly improve sustainability by optimizing maintenance, product quality, production logistics, energy, and efficiency management processes. This is where the SMS group services comes into play.


To stay competitive in a changing business environment, steel producing companies most utilize the full scope of state-of-the-art technologies whether it´s green energy, smart sensors, big-data analytics, pattern recognition or additive manufacturing. That is why the services of SMS group stand for innovation. Together with our customers we develop innovative solutions that give answers to the challenges of today and tomorrow.


More and more steel producers are increasingly focusing on their core business and oursource peripherical tasks like maintenance or sparepart management. When doing so, it is important to find a partner you can rely on. Expertise is just as important as proximity and commitment. With our dense service network in combination with performance-based business models we accompany our customer in daily operations and thus boost profitability. 


With our domain know-how and enhanced automation and digitalization expertise, we at SMS group ensure a connectivity in all directions. Our systems seamlessly connect with eachother and our digital solutions create actionable items based on real-life production data drawn right from our automation systems. 


To ensure profitability in the metals industry companies most focus on improving specific KPIs. We identify bottle-necks and develop improvement potentials. With more than 150 years of know-how in metallurgical plant engineering, we are more than just consultants. We  also provide the solutions needed to accompany the metals industry into a sustainable and profitable future. 


By 2050, CO2 emissions in the metals industry have to go down by 75% in order to meet Paris climate targets. That means companies in the metals industry have a huge job ahead of them if they want to operate financially sustainable businesses in an environmentally sustainable world. Steel plant owners can significantly improve sustainability by optimizing maintenance, product quality, production logistics, energy, and efficiency management processes. This is where the SMS group services comes into play.


To stay competitive in a changing business environment, steel producing companies most utilize the full scope of state-of-the-art technologies whether it´s green energy, smart sensors, big-data analytics, pattern recognition or additive manufacturing. That is why the services of SMS group stand for innovation. Together with our customers we develop innovative solutions that give answers to the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Integrated lifecycle services

Solutions for improved competitiveness and sustainability

As SMS group, we have the best prerequisites to accompany our customers on their path to more sustainability and profitability. In our integrated solutions, we combine 150 years of experience in metallurgy and plant construction with expertise in digitalization. Thanks to our dense services network with over 5000 employees at over 60 locations worldwide, we are close to our customers.

We CREATE your asset

Holistic automation and digitalization with streamlined data management assure short ramp-ups and high total plant performance

We INCREASE your performance

We develop data-driven optimization measures that climax in predictive operator and maintenance guidance leading to stable plant performance

We MANAGE your lifecycle

Innovative business solutions help our customers to focus on their core business while we support them in keeping their plant fit for a competitive business environment.

Our products and solutions

Find here more details on our holistic services solutions from digitalization, electrics and automation, technical service as well as training and consulting.

Learn more about our products and services

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Performance-based subscription models

To enforce the longevity of our partnership along the whole equipment lifecycle, our integrated solutions can be offered as innovative performance-based subscription models. For our customers, this results in increased plant performance and performance guarantees while at the same time having full cost control and increased flexibility compared to regular one-off sales. We follow a transparent three-step approach to compose solutions that fully meet our customer's demands. At first, starting from our customer's process, we identify critical assets and determine the individual project scope. Secondly, based on the respective customer needs, we recommend solution packages consisting of all of SMS group's competencies, including automation, digitalization, and technical services. In a third and final step, the ideal business model is selected with all its commercial specifics such as guarantees, contract model, payment model and financing.

Performance-based subscription models

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